Established since 1998, Green Acres Home has been expanding steadily to meet the demands of the community. Green Acres Home provides a wide range of comprehensive healthcare services - long and short term residential care, doctors' consultation, physiotherapy and proper nursing care. The highest quality of care in a home like atmosphere is our goal. Our professional and dedicated staff comprising of a panel of on-call Doctors, Physiotherapist, Registered Nurses and Nursing Aides are constantly being supervised by a love-giving Home Manager. Together, we strive responsibly for the total well-being of our residents
Our Mission is to deliver our Best Care and Attention to each and every resident because the well-being and satisfaction of our residents and their families is the reason for our existence.
Our New Branch is located in Taman Bukit Kempas, it’s just less than a 20 minutes drive from the town by taking EDL highway. Our Hilltop bungalow nursing home is a highly conducive and well-equipped setting within a quiet, airy and peaceful surrounding, thus allowing our residents and patients to enjoy a superior quality of life and a suitable environment for recuperation
We are steadfast in ensuring that our residents and patients get to enjoy the highest standards of care and services within very reasonable and affordable price ranges, depending on the individual care required and on a case to case basis.
绿园乐龄疗养中心成立于1998年,已经用心经营超过17年。虽然如此,我们依然不断地提升服务素质,以符合和满足社会不同阶层的需求。 本疗养中心提供各种广泛和专业的医疗服务,包括长期或短期的疗养住宿,医生咨询,物理治疗,以及医药护理等等。我们拥有一组专业,敬业的工作人员,包括顾问医生,物理治疗师,合格护士以及富有爱心和耐心的员工。这么多年来,提供高素质的疗养环境以及专业医疗,一直是我们的目标。我们承诺,将会不断地前进。
2012年是本疗养中心迈向另一阶段的开始,因为在这一年,我们在Bukit Kempas开设了一间分行。虽然如此,这并没有影响我们的服务以及初衷。秉持这一点,我们在选址上相当严格。绿园分行坐落在高地段,距离市区约20分钟车程,并拥有一片绿油油的花园,提供了清新空气以及宁静的修养环境。这座独立式洋房可容纳超过20个患者,并为他们带来了更好,更舒适的疗养环境。
在这物价不断高涨的时代,本疗养中心依然希望患者们在享有专业的医疗护理的同时,也可负担合理的住宿费用。至于其他的用品如尿片、 导尿管、 食管、 血液糖测试,氧气等等,则需视情况收取费用。